Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kingsman Reedemer

Wow, it has been quite some time since I have blogged (over two years ago) and I have been thinking on some things and that I have been wanting to write down and share. So here goes my attempt at putting coherant thoughts down to where others can understand and hopefully glean something from them.

I was in a conversation wth a friend and she was going to be preaching one Sunday as her senior pastor was on vacation. I asked what her text was going to be and the direction of the message, and I was hopeing to gain some insight for myself. All I was remebered from that conversation was that she was preaching from Ruth and that stuck with me. As I was out splitting wood, God brought back the story of Ruth to my attention and He kept nagging me with it. So I went over to my car and grabbed my Bible and read the story of Ruth. One of the things that kept comming to me was one of the themes of Ruth which is the idea of Kingsman Reedemer.

To sum up Ruth, her husband, brother in law and father in law died all with in a period of time and instead of going to her family for support, safty, and to remarry, she went with Naomi to Bethlehem, which was her homeland. Ruth risked her safty and reputation one night and laid at the end of Boaz's bed while he was sleeping. In essence, she was sayint that she was interested in him and that she wanted to be redeemed. Through this, Ruth found favor with Boaz and through time, Boaz redeemed Ruth in being her kingsman redeemer. She had someone to protect and provide her, and to provide a family and lineage.

Comming into the Advent Season, I have drawn the correlation between that story and the comming of Christ. It was a reminder to me that Christ risked everyting to become fully humand and still remain fully God to come and redeem humanity. Like Ruth, we are in desprate need for redemption and for someone one or something to come and redeem us. This idea of redemption is more than just a change of destination, a change in outlook, or even doing conducting ourselves differently. It is all of these and so much more. It is a chance to know the Creator of the Universe personally and for us to enjoy Him and to worship Him in all we do. In order to do this we needed to be redeemed. We are seperated from God because of sin, and we often care more about more of what we want instead of what God wants. We also have character deformities, where left unto themselves, are qute destructives, but Jesus came to build that bridge, or to be our redeemer so that we are not left to our own destructive path. Jesus paid the price so that not only we can have a relaitonship with God, but to changed into Gods likeness. I guess, being a Kingsman Redeemer is more than just finding protection and someone to look after me, but has my best interest in mind and has paid the price so I can not only glorify God in all I do, but also be in relationship with Him. It is a realization that God's plans are better than my own self glorification and often self destructive ways