Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Roman Road

  Here is a continuation of the Discipleship curriculum that I am helping a friend write on the basics of evangelism and the Romans Road
The Lesson

Introduction – One of the commandments that we have the most trouble with is the one about sharing our faith. We have already seen how in Matthew 28 we are to go out into the entire world to share the Gospel. This doesn’t mean we need to become a pastor or a missionary to do it. All you have to do is to start with the people you come in contact with on a daily basis. There are many ways that we can share our faith, but the key in all of this is having a personal relationship with that person. Relationships allow us to build trust so they will listen and will help you to share the Gospel out of love for them, not because you see them as a project. The last time you took advice from someone is probably because you had a relationship with them and that you also trusted them and that you knew that they had your best interest in mind.  So when you team up your relationship with people, the truth of the Gospel, and the work of the Holy Spirit anything is possible. In the next few chapters of our evangelism/discipleship discussion we will go over a few simple ways to help you present the Gospel.
The Roman’s Road – One of the ways we can share the Gospel is through what is called the Romans Road. It is a way we can share the Gospel through using the Book of Romans. None of the methods we present are meant to be the only way or even the best way to share the Gospel. These are simply tools that will allow you to walk through a Gospel presentation with someone when the time calls for it.
We are all sinners – The first concept is that everyone has sinned and we are in need of Salvation.  (Romans 3:10-23) Sin is our action and attitudes that separates us from God and His holiness.  The reason that sin separates us from God and His holiness is because God’s character prevents Him from being around it. Many people struggle with the concept that they are so bad they deserve condemnation but this only shows they do not know what sin is. Sin is a violation of God’s will, who created us all. Furthermore, not only do we sin our actions but are very hearts are sinful. God, in his righteousness, would be perfectly just and wiping us all out. Yet because He is a God of love He does not.
Our sin has consequences – The second concept of the Romans Road is that the consequences (or wages) of our sin is death (Romans 6:23). The final consequence of sin is our physical death and eternal separation from God but sin also leads to a spiritual death now. Spiritual death is our separation from God, our bondage to sin, and inability to save ourselves. Our sin doesn’t only have consequences for the future but leads to the brokenness we see in our world every day.
Jesus died to save us from our sin – The third concept is that Jesus died for our sins (Romans 5:8).  There is no way we can atone for our sins and to bring ourselves back into  a right relationship with God. But God loved us so much that He made the ultimate move and gave His own Son (who had never sinned) to be the ultimate sacrifice and took away our sin so that there is a way we can have a relationship with Him again.
We must accept this gift from God – The fourth concept is that they only way we receive God’s free gift is through accepting it (Romans 10:9-10:13).  Even though Jesus’ death and resurrection was for anyone and everyone, we still need to accept it.  We need to confess that Jesus is Lord and that our actions and attitude is what separated us from Him. Along with confessing, we also need to believe. Believing is putting into action what we say or confess. It doesn’t do much good to confess something if we don’t believe in it. Believing in what Christ has done for us means that we turn from our old ways of sin and self-glorification and we live to glorify God and to make Him known.
Salvation is found in Christ alone – The fifth concept is that salvation is through Christ alone (Romans 8:1;38-39; 5:1). Our salvation is based on Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross. There is no other way we can get to heaven, receive eternal life, or have peace with God. We cannot try and work our way to heaven, or find some other option because there is none. The only way to have peace with God and to be in right relationship with Him is through accepting the free gift of Jesus. The question is: will you receive God’s free gift of grace through faith in Christ Jesus?
Conclusion – The Roman’s Road is a quick, simple way to walk through what the Gospel is all about. One of its strengths is that it allows you to ground every step with some key verses (obviously all found in Romans). You could easily jot down the five concepts with the key verses somewhere in your Bible, or even keep it in your wallet. If you felt like you needed help explaining the Gospel to someone you could use this as a resource to help you give you confidence.
1.  Take a few minutes to practice using the Roman’s Road with your discipler. Go over it a few times until you feel you can confidently walk someone through all of the concepts.
2.  Share with your discipler how you like to share the Gospel with others. What tools do you use if any?

3.  By this time (now at least sixteen weeks) you should have been able to identify a few people you want to share the Gospel with. This of course should be done by the prompting of the Spirit and should be in the context of relationships. However, the reason most of us never share is because of fear. Talk with your discipler about sharing the Gospel message with someone this week.

4. Continue to focus on building intentional relationships with people in your community. Always be looking for opportunities to share about your faith in Jesus.

Discussion Questions
1.  Discuss any hesitations you have about sharing the Gospel with someone. What are the steps you need to take to be confident?
2.  Why is that so many Christians know they should share the Gospel but do not do so? Have you felt this struggle in your own life?
3. If you have not already done so, make a plan with your discipler for you to share the Gospel with someone this week.