Sunday, January 20, 2008

question to ponder

As I thought today as I deal with some of my personal struggles to be more God like, I came across a question that I do not have an answer for right now. For the different things that I struggle with, when a time comes and there is a decision that needs to be made to either continue to struggle with the issue or move on from it, I thought about asking the question of "what eternal does doing this event have." One of the conclusions that I have come to is the idea that we are all spiritual beings that are enjoying a physical experience. It is remembering that there is an eternity that we are accountable for, so the question is that, what I am doing today, how does that going to affect me/othes eternally. I do not think that all situations are going to apply to this, but I think most of them do and it could be a reminder how we do live in a community and that we are held accountable for our actions

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