Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

Valentines Day is one of the most loved or hated holidays on the American calendar next to holloween and all it depends on whether you are single or not. Different people go about it different ways. Some of the ways are being all romantic with and for their significant others, forgetting it till the last minute and rushing to by some sort of flowers and candy (which I saw alot of at Wal Mart last night :)), go into hibernation because of hatred towards the holiday, or be more excited that today is the first day of spring training for baseball (go Twins). So the real question is why does Halmark make most of their profit on a holiday that was named after a dead church saint? The obvious answer I think is because we live in a greedy, capitalistic society who do not know how to show love and support to not only our significant others, but other special people in our lives the other 364 days a year.

So who is this St Valentine person. According to Google, he was a priest who served in third century Rome. I know I am going to do church history a grave injustice, for not doing proper research, but according to Google, there are several ways that St Valentine was killed. One is that Emperor Claudius II thought that single men fought better than men that were married and with children. St Valentine objected and performed weddings in secret in opposition to the emperor, and when the emperor found out, had St Valentine killed. The other theory is that he was killed for helping Christians escape prisions because they were tourtered and killed and during this time he found a love interest in the jailers daughter and he sent her a letter where he signed it "your valentine." So the question is, what is the point.

My point is that I am not goig to go on a rampage that God should be your Valentine (but is a good rampage if done right), but how does one respond to Valentines day. One could be mean and hateful all day and even dress in black. The other side of the spectrum, is that one goes all out for their valentine and goes over board. Both sides have issues that need to be dealt with. One side is left burnt out and bitter, because they can not celebrate what the rest of the world is celebrating in. The other issue is the idea that why do we put so much stock into one day without backing it up the rest of the year. If we do not back it up the ret of the year, the holiday becomes pointless.
Another perspective (which I held for today) that it is just another day and I didn't think it was to special. I got more excited over the start of baseball and doing homework than cupids arrows. One really random note, I have played Cupid before and I think I have pictures if any one wants to see them. So what is the answer. Valentines is not the end all be all for holidays. Personally I think this should be the holiday we should reflect and be thankful for all of our special relationships, whether they are significant others or family and friends that God has blessed us with. This should only be done in conjuction if it is done periodically throughout the rest of the year

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