According to google, the definition of a sacred space is a place that focuses attention on the forms objects, and actions in it and reveals them as bearers of religious meaning. Such sacred places are mosque, temples or churches. These buildings hold different icons that are important to their faith and this is often where they go to meet and even interact with the Holy. One of the images that comes to my mind is the famous painting of Gods finger reaching down and connecting with Adam's finger. As I have talked with people over the years, I have learned that sacred spaces go beyond places of worship. Whether it is because they experience Gods grace a particular place and time, or had some sort of meaningful event or conversation in said place, or it is just a place to put things back in order. I think sacred spaces are evolving to not only include particular buildings that are designed for worship to it being any place that we can meet the Holy. So it could be anything from a local park, bar, to even fishing on a lake or hunting in the woods. I think it is essential to have these places where we can be reminded what is important and for it to be a time to connect with God and or others. So here is one of my sacred places.
This picture is taken from Canal Park on the western edge of Lake Superior. This is probably one of my favorite sacred places, especially when I am listening to Bob Uecker call Milwaukee Brewers baseball games. Watching the freighters come and go with their cargo is another reason that draws me to this place along with people watching. This is also one of my places where I come to center myself and to put my life in order. In essence this is where I have my come to Jesus meetings. One of the things that I am consistently reminded of is the power of the lake. It has enough power to move 1,000 foot freighters loaded with cargo to the next destination, and also has enough power to cause millions dollars worth of damage and change the weather on a dime if the wind is right.
So here are a couple of questions for us to ponder. The first one is that do you have a sacred place to recharge, reconnect, refuel, and if not, why? The second question is, do you use it and if not, why? My third question is what does your sacred space say about how you view yourself and how you view God? The last question is that do you use your sacred space to connect with God or to become the master of your own destiny?
I will leave you with these last two thoughts. When we strive to become the master of our own destiny, this is usually where we get into trouble. How often when we try and take control of situations and try to impose our own will, it rarely over goes well. The my last thought is that sacred space and safe spaces are usually two different things. I think there are times where we need a safe space and it can be a holy place, but sacred spaces and activities forces us to look at ourselves, ask and be asked tough questions and to grow. Sacred spaces and moments in time gives us the opportunity to be introspective, to grow and mature. Its a place for us to connect with the Creator of the Universe and for Him to love on us and to speak truth into our lives and draw us closer to Him. In essence sacred spaces takes us of our throne and puts God back in His rightful place
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