Thursday, May 16, 2019


Refuge: a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger or trouble

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear through the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved int the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.  Selah

Psalms 46:1-3 ESV

            When I think of the term refuge, I often think of a place that is safe and that we are protected from the world and all of its flaming arrows.  A refuge is a place where things could be made right, but that is just a small portion of it.  A refuge is a place where we can take stock what is going on, take inventory of what we have, and even bandage our wounds.  It is a place where we can get refueled, refreshed and healed up so we can get sent back out and reengage.  A refuge gives a sense of normalcy and comfort, because if we continuously live on the edge pushing ourselves, we will end up burning out and or crashing really hard.  For some, a refuge is there home, where they can lock the door and invite who they want into their sanctuary.  For athletes, the locker room is a refuge because they do not have to deal with the media, or fickle fans, who love them one minute and despise them the next.  To be honest, we like our places of refuge because it’s a chance to build healthy boundaries (and maybe even build unhealthy walls) and for us to be ourselves and that we do not have to pretend to be something we are or are not and we can take off the makeup and let our hair down.  It is even a place where we can check out and forget about the world.

            My first observation is that we tend to either build or run to some unhealthy refuges.  We are thinking that we are going to a place to rest and refuel so that we can reengage, but in all reality we are just checking out and even creating a bigger problem.  How often does our refuge come in the form of addiction?  I am not saying we can not forget about the worlds problems for a night and go out for a movie or be with friends, but when we are focused on avoiding the problem through different avenues, when does this addiction become a pacifier?  After work, how many of us go to places to overeat, have a few to many drinks, watch to much tv.  There are many ways we tend to check out in or at our “refuge” and we are getting nothing done.  So here is an early question, does our refuge refuel and recharge us, or does it drain or make the issues worse?

            My second observation is that taking refuge is a good thing at times.  The word refuge comes from a French word meaning “to flee” and it has a connotation that we are fleeing an unsafe situation or person.  The bloody civil war in Syria has been documented in the news cycle over the last several years.  Instead of sticking around for the bombings and bloodshed, the Syrian people have sought refuge and political asylum in neighboring countries and in safer areas.  Seeking refuge is knowing when to stick around in situations or around particular people, and it is also knowing when to pull the plug and get out for our own health, whether mental or physical.  Seeking refuge is often taking stock of the situation and looking at it for what it is and not blowing things out of proportion.  God does not call us to be stupid, and there are many times where fleeing the situation and cutting bait is not only a good thing, but it is what is required.

            My third observation is that we do not have to fear and still be scared beyond our britches.  I think there are times where we walk through situations that are scary, whether it is changing jobs, going through a scary medical diagnosis, making changes in personal relationships, they all can be scary things  It is because sometimes the unknown is hard, or our situation is even harder, but we still do not have to fear.  I think of not fearing is a trust thing and that we can and do trust God to get us through what ever it is. Last fall, I was having some anemia issues and one of the test I had was a bone marrow biopsy.  All was good until the day before I was to go to the oncologist to the results and I got nervous.  Could it be cancer, could it be one of those weird diseases that only one in a million people have.  I was a nervous wreck and God called me to trust Him in that situation and that He was with me no matter what.  Thankfully, I did not have cancer or some weird disease, which is a relief, but God still calls me and the rest of us to trust Him not matter the situation.

            My fourth observation is this, during storms and difficulties, where we run to and what we run to reveals who we trust.  During difficult times, do we do the American thing and pull ourselves up by our boot straps and keep moving on.  It is a hell or high water kind of mentality of I am either going to kill it or its going to kill me.  There is no middle ground or another way on this.  In essence it is for the lack of better terms kicking ass and taking names and it usually never ends well for anybody.  Our second option is doing nothing and checking out.  We end up being beaten up more then a rented mule and our ego, relationships and our over all health  goes down hill.  Our third option is this, its to trust God.  I know this is hard, especially when things are blowing up, but it is the only way we make it out.  This does not mean we have no responsibility and we sit back and do nothing.  It is allowing God to fight lead the charge and being obedient to what He has called us to do.  It still means we are going to do difficult things and say things that are unpopular, but God is always will be ahead of us, right beside us and following up behind us.  We are not going to be the same people when we come through whatever situation we are in, and when we do not fear, our faith is deepened and our character is developed.  When God is our refuge, it is more that God protecting the flaming arrows from us, and smiting all of our enemies, but it is allowing God to be the Lord of our lives, no matter the situation. 

            Here is my final thought on God being our refuge.  God is always there protecting and leading us.  He will never abandoned us nor forsake us, but here is the main point.  There are times where we need to go and seek refuge so that we can refuel, recharge and to heal up, but we are also called to leave the fortress again.  When we our in the fortress to long, we become spiritually lazy and fat and not fit for battle.  This could lead to spiritual sepsis, which is really dangerous and harmful for not only ourselves, but to others also. So here are some questions for you to ponder:

When life starts to go sideways, who or what do you turn to?

Would you rather kick peoples ass, avoid all confrontation, or trust God and do His commands?

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